1) Container Name: It should always be CDB$Root and not your actual container name.2) Make sure to enable to Port, In my case its 5500, so you enable the port using the following command as SYS exec dbms_xdb_config.SetGlobalPortEnabled(TRUE)
Always check the alert log for errors, before you start googling. In my case, Alert log had the following error<app\Oracle12\>diag\rdbms\suppdb12\suppdb12\alert\log.xml
<msg time='2019-06-07T09:31:59.083-04:00' org_id='oracle' comp_id='rdbms' type='UNKNOWN' level='16' host_id='XXXXXXXXXX' host_addr='::1' module='ORACLE.EXE (S000)' pid='21256' con_uid='1' con_id='1' con_name='CDB$ROOT'> <txt>Global ports off in Root, do SetGlobalPortEnabled(TRUE) to enable. </txt></msg>