Here is what I wanted to do. I wanted to have a flex linechart with the following options
1) Custom data tip
2) Always show data points
3) Change the color of data points based on my data ( like Red, Blue, Green )
1) Custom data tip: This was the easiest option, just call dataTipFunction, which will return a string.You can control the text and its color in the function. When some thing fails, I show my message in Red.
2) Alwasy show data points: For this I used mx.charts.renderers.CircleItemRenderer, so all my datapoints appear. You can control the size using radius property. More than 1 renderer is available, like diamond,box etc
3) Change the color of data points: I used fillFunction to control the color of data points.
<mx:LineChart id="linechart" width="100%" height="100%"
dataTipFunction="CustomToolTip" dataTipMode="multiple"
showDataTips="true" >
<mx:LinearAxis baseAtZero="false" title="Total Minutes"/>
<mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="Run_Date"
displayName="Run Date" title="Run Date"/>
<mx:LineSeries id="lineseries" displayName="TotalMinutes"
form="segment" yField="Total_Minutes" radius="6"
public function fill_color (element:ChartItem, index:Number):IFill
if ("success")>0)
return new SolidColor(0XFF00 ,1);//green
else if ("error")>0)
return new SolidColor(0xFF0000 ,1); //red
return new SolidColor(0x66ff ,1);
private function CustomToolTip(hd:HitData):String
var sJobStatus:String;
if ("success")>0)
sJobStatus = "<FONT COLOR='#339966'>" + hd.item.Job_Status + "</FONT>"; //green
else if ("error")>0)
sJobStatus = "<FONT COLOR='#FF0000'>" + hd.item.Job_Status + "</FONT>"; //red
sJobStatus = "<FONT COLOR='#117adc'>" + hd.item.Job_Status + "</FONT>"; //blue
return "Job Status: <b>"+sJobStatus+"</b>";