If you run the below SQL as SYS or SYSTEM, You will get the list of all jobs, as well as the remove job and kill session statements.
select j.job,j.log_user,j.schema_user,j.broken,nvl2(r.job,'Running now','Not Running') job_current_status,j.what,
'exec dbms_ijob.remove('||j.job||');' Remove_Job,
'Alter System Kill Session '''||s.sid||','||s.serial#||''';' Kill_Session
from dba_jobs j, dba_jobs_running r, v$session s
where j.job = r.job
and r.sid = s.sid
If you kill the session, without removing the job from the job queue, it will reappear after some time. So, remove the job from the queue , and then kill the session
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